Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Goodnight Dinosaurs

Sooooo like 65 million years ago the dinosaurs ruled the earth. They were the 'human beings' of yesteryear. Then out of nowhere a massive asteroid came and wiped them out, along with about 1/2 of all the species on earth.

Imagine that, a rock hurtling through space at such a speed that it created the atomic explosion a billion times more powerful than the bomb that hit Hiroshima!! That's incredible!!! Just one random rock smashing into another random rock millions of years ago. And here on our tiny planet, the world was coming to an end. But in the grand scheme of things .. the universe didn't even flinch. 100 trillion tons of TNT, a number that we can't even get our head around.

Imagine a big dent in the earth 112 miles across! One hundred and twelve MILES! Next time you take a little road trip, reset your trip meter and drive until it reads 112 miles, and realize that you're driving inside the crater of the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs. And if that don't impress you, then go update your Facebook account or something. Scientist can actually study the earth and see the debris from this massive collision all the way over in Europe! So basically a rock hit Mexico and debris landed as far away as Europe .. yeah, that's slightly impressive shit!

And back in the day, the dinosaurs thought they were 'the shit'. Nothing could touch them, they thought they were king of all the land. Well it didn't take much to put them in their place now did it? And now millions of years later, it's the same story .. just with humans. And one day our ass will get handed to us on a silver plate.

Yeah we humans think were so damn important. Everything revolves around us, we are the dominant species of everything. Yeah .. I hate to pop your bubble, but you ain't shit! Nobody is! Even our biggest baddest H-bomb available today that could wipe out half a country and leave the rest of the world with their tail between their legs doesn't even begin to compare to the energy output that our star (the sun) can do in a microsecond! And the sun is actually a rather small star compared to what's out there.

So next time your stuck at a red light, or someone forgot to put mayo on your Whopper at the drive thru, or your kids can't sleep, or the price of gas went up a nickel .. just realize how pathetic it is to even fathom of having such a worthless thought. Enjoy life, tell your boss to go fuck himself now and then, put down the remote control and stare at the stars, masturbate in public, take some chances, and be happy your not a dinosaur living a few hundred million years ago. Life is good .. enjoy!

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