Friday, March 5, 2010

Facebook Analogy Part 6

Episode number 6 of the absurd stupidity of Facebook ... and the millions who support it. Enjoy.

---- was impressed by the opening ceremonies. Still not a Sarah Mclachlan fan.....never will be, I guess. Loved the rest of it, though! :)

(response) I've always considered k.d. lang's style to be a little weird....but, I LOVE her voice. She's got some power in those folds! It was good to hear her tonight!

(response) And, I found it rather funny to see the fake snow falling on the opening ceremonies while I looked outside and saw the REAL snow falling outside my window! own personal snow globe. :)

Here's what you may not know about. The two responses are from the same person who wrote the first post. That's right ..... SHE'S TYPING TO HERSELF!!!!!!!!!!!! NOW do you believe Me that people are getting dumber by the day???


Going to hang up laundy, take a shower then head to walmart to get hangers & some other things

I'm speechless other than the fact that I'd bet good money you'd be the perfect candidate for the "People of Walmart" sight.


--- is wishing my Grandpa a Happy Birthday today! 92 and still going strong! He's an inspiration to us all. :) At the same time, I'm remembering the family of my friend, ---- -----, who died a year ago today. Please hold them in your prayers on this difficult day.

Now assuming I believed in prayer .. just what in the fuck do you want Me to pray about?? The guy is already dead! Do you want Me to pray that he comes back to life for his family?? Am I supposed to believe that this 'total stranger to Me' should have the same magical resurrection as Jesus Christ??? Why the fuck do you think after 2000 years, HE should be the lucky one????

Or maybe I'm supposed to pray for the family of the lost one. And just what the fuck am I supposed to pray about then??? That they remember the day?? That they forget the day?? That there is BINGO every night starting at 6:30?

And your grandpa who's 92 is NOT an inspiration to ME!!!!! I'VE NEVER EVEN MET THE FUCKER!!!!!! He's probably just another asshole who insists on being out in public everyday taking 10 times as long to do whatever it is the rest of us do at regular speed! I got a better idea .. why don't you keep YOUR family shit to the little circle called YOUR FAMILY!!!??!! Dumb hairy slit!


It's time to book a trip to is just too demanding lately.....gotta get the heck outta Dodge! ;)

What you don't know is that MOST of this person's 'Facebooking' is done AT WORK ... WHILE WORKING!!!!!!! Yeah .. typical American lazy tit. Goes to work, visits, plays on the computer, drinks coffee, gets paid for it, and then has the nerve to complain that the job is stressful. Did I mention we are becoming the embarrassment of the world?


--- is wishing ---- a wonderful birthday today. Love you soooooo much!

Awwww ... how sweet! GO FUCK YOURSELF!


Honestly......are EVERYONE'S children as strange and wild as mine are????? Or am I just the lucky one? ;-) (Spring cannot come soon enough to this house, methinks!)

Nope .. your children are the STRANGEST ones in the entire world! You know why? Because their mommy types down every single thing she's ever done in a given day on Facebook, and it's in their genes to one day become as retarded as their parents.


--- is getting ready to go the the Valentine Dinner at church. The men do the cooking, serving, and entertainment.....and they EVEN clean up afterward! It's become a pretty popular event for the congregation. :)

You know what else has become popular at church's these days? Raping altar boys. Way to celebrate your love in a pedophile institution that teaches 'Fairy Tales' are REAL!! .. how sweet ;)


Right now Mike is playing a quiet game of Guess who with Xander and Zaan is playing with Abby. Jacob just got fed and Allison is sleeping:)

RIGHT NOW there are A LOT of things going on this world .... and what your kids are currently doing just didn't make the "I Give A Shit" list!! Way to name your kids by the way .. Xander and Zaan! Are they going to be aliens in space when they grow up or something? I'm sure they'll get the shit beat out of them in school a few times for their goofy names that you insisted on giving them. AND FIVE KIDS ... WHOA!!! Way to go on that venture!!! The sixth one must not be on the way yet because I'm sure you would have mentioned what 'it' was doing also!

Oh .. and for the record. I just farted and it smells like RiceARoni, the wife is bleeding from Her pussy, My youngest one is watching Sponge Bob, My oldest one is discovering the art of masturbating, and the dog is currently licking his dick. Still feel like sharing ????


So dont you hate it when your man thinks that valentines day is just another day?

Yeah .. I hate that shit! Especially when you consider Valentines Day is a bunch of made up bullshit about SAINT VALENTINE. Uhmmmmmm .. how many saints do you know in YOUR life?? That's right .. NONE ... because there is no such thing as SAINTS you stupid sack of hair!!!
And the idea of Valentines Day that we know it is just ANOTHER ploy to get YOUR money to provide the false idea that it proves your love for a significant other! That's right ... it's a holiday .. for RETAILERS!!! Just like every other fucking holiday. Why don't you smarten up (like your man did), and show your true love by having hot, passionate sex until you can't walk anymore and have to call in sick the next day. Just don't have a 'love child' because of it ..that's all I ask.


Either cupid hit me in the head with that stinkin arrow & gave me a headache, or I need him to so it'll relieve some pressure. Ow.

Yeah .. it could possibly be one of those two things, or maybe something else. Could it be the breakdown of the DNA double helix linkage in your body from lack of use? Maybe it's the genes in your brain committing suicide because they don't feel needed anymore. Maybe your the beginning of a frightening trend ... 'backward evolution' .. where the human starts to go back to a form of ape-like creature because it didn't use it's current human form to anything near full capacity!!! I'd say any of these would be a greater possibility than a magic fairy shooting love darts at your head.


Well better stop now .. I'm starting to get depressed that I'm one of the human race. See ya next time!


Anonymous said...

Another very excellent facebook edition. A little vulgar but I am beginning to like the 'fuck' word. I mean, who gives a fuck, right? I even think you oughta start your own social netwoking website called 'fuckbook'. Fuck yeah!

Anonymous said...

Can you see the post on that? Just fucking my wifes mom now. Then I think im going to have fish for dinner.


Les said...

Fuckin' A !