Saturday, March 6, 2010

Another damning video

Yes another fascinating video on proof for evolution, and extinction, and speciation. Real scientific evidence as to how things evolved, when it happened, what was around during these different periods, and how life branched out into different life.

I post these videos because I am extremely confused as to how religious people say that the earth is only 6000 years old, and everything just appeared in a magic *POOF* !! I'm uncertain as to how one can argue the validity of the Bible when they are up against the mountains of evidence pointing the opposite way. I mean ...... evolution is NOT that difficult of a concept to grasp! Dare I say, it doesn't even require 'FAITH' !!

I mean WHO CARES !!!! So the Jesus story and the Mohammad story have both been proven to be nothing more than old mythological folk lore!! So you believed in something and it turned out to be wrong! Big deal .. why try keeping it alive just because of ignorance? That doesn't mean you can't believe in a 'creator' or some 'higher maker' out there somewhere. But lets put to rest this bullshit that Jesus talks to you and answers your prayers and heals the sick, and causes earthquakes in the lands where people sin too much. I mean enough is enough already!! Amen.

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