Friday, February 12, 2010

Facebook Analogy Part 2

It's time for the second installment of Facebook Analogy. I won't bore you with the long introduction (see Facebook Analogy Part 1).

All of the names have been changed to protect the absolutely retarded stupid people in the world.


Gods is so good,, God is so good, God is so good to me. God answers prayer, God answers prayer!!!!Thankyou Thankyou!!!

Uhmmm .. "Gods" is imaginary,, God is imaginary, God is imaginary to you. God DOES NOT answer prayer, God DOES NOT answer prayer!!!! You are a delusional dumb ass!!! Yourwelcome Yourwelcome!!!

If your referring to your back surgery, that would be MEDICAL SCIENCE that saved your sorry ass, but thanks for spitting in the face of years and years of research just so you can praise your imaginary friend. Idiot!!!

Pondering the idea of love and how just like God, you can not touch, see, smell, or taste can't be explained away by any biological means whatsoever, but it still exists. Most people just don't deny love. They'll take the feel good stuff but they won't take the tough stuff...the part that holds you accountabl...e. ~"God is love" 1 John 4:8

NOPE! God is NOT LOVE. Love is an emotion. God is an IMAGINARY thing you create to make you feel better. The same way when you were 3 years old and needed a teddy bear or blanket to make you feel safe, nice thought, but it's all bullshit. You know .. bullshit .. kinda like the consistency of your brain matter.

Getting ready to watch my little girl dance. Well, I guess she isn't so little anymore. I will take pics and post them later.

Do Me a favor would ya. Instead of taking pics of your spawn for everyone to see, why don't you put a loaded gun up to your temple and then we'll ALL be happy!

OMG I just saw commercial for another Reality TV show called RuPaul Drag race..What next?

OMG .. I'd bet My last dollar you'll be watching it!!!!! WHY??? Because your a worthless piece of shit who substitutes your life for that of someone on TV!! THAT'S WHY!!!

I can't believe the girls and I slept from 4 pm yesterday until 6:30 this morning...

You know what I can't believe? I can't believe that 1000's of people write stupid shit like this for other people to read .. that's what I can't believe.

Went out and bought a steam mop and its my new best friend!! My floors are clean again!!!

Wow ... I mean fucking WOW!! THAT is bar-none exciting!! I was so God damn worried about your dirty floors I could hardly sleep at night. I LITERALLY was thinking of slicing My own wrists because My life was just too good because My floors were clean, and yours were dirty. My guess is your second best friend runs on batteries.

--- says Tenley needs to get the helium out of her voice and stop dancing for the man you are trying to win. I was embarrassed. But Vienna is next, so it can only get worse.

Now I don't even know what the fuck this person is talking about. But I'll make a wild shot in the dark even though I've never heard of any of these names before. She's watching some stupid ass reality TV show. Am I right?

my last evening being 29....sigh.

Ahhhh the old "HERE IS MY DESPERATE PLEA TO FORCE PEOPLE TO REMEMBER AND WISH ME HAPPY BIRTHDAY SINCE I'M SUCH A PATHETIC AND SHALLOW HUMAN BEING" trick. This shit is done in dozens of different ways .. all with the same stupid results. That is .. in the end, you end up looking like a pathetic ASS !!!!!!


Until next time, keep typing people. My views on stupidity of people becomes closer and closer to a scientific theory each and every day.


Anonymous said...

I liked last weeks facebook freak factoid and this one is even better. But who gets credit, you or those providing the script?

Les said...

Well I DON'T want any credit, and you'd have to be nuts to claim that you wrote ANY of these Facebook postings.

I have but ONE purpose .. exposing human stupidity!!! PLEASE PEOPLE .. wake up!!! We are in DEEP SHIT as a living species on this pale blue dot if trends like this continue.

And don't worry, your entertainment will continue as I've only written 2 FB analogies, but have material save up for about 10 blogs. Stay tuned.