Sunday, February 21, 2010


Next time your bored and go on the internet to download porn clips, or get in a cyber game of World of Warcraft, or watch video clips of some guy singing the latest version of 'Numa Numa', or updating your Facebook page .. why not do something useful and go watch some TED clips?

What is TED? TED stands for technology, entertainment, design (I know ... it's a stupid acronym). TED is a conference held in California each year and is put on by the leading 'thinkers' and 'doers' in the world. YouTube has a lot of clips from this conference over the years. Topics range from science to religion, from animal intelligence to art, from global warming to how drastic our food has changed in the past 100 years. Just scroll down the list and find a topic that interests you, there is some fascinating stuff to view.

There are endless topics on very cool things given by people who have spent a butt load to time studying this stuff. There are professors, and artists, and comics, and just everyday people giving short 10 or 20 minute or so speeches. You may not learn 'who's sleeping with who' in Hollywood .. but you'll learn some cool stuff about LIFE!

So take a moment and resist the urge to find out what Tiger Woods is doing and expand the cranium a bit. Here's a clip to get you started that pretty interesting, oddly enough it's about crows. Enjoy! Intelligence of crows.


Anonymous said...

TED? This is why I read "STATE OF LES". Fuck Ted db

Les said...

Hmmmm, that's interesting. Also a compliment (I think).

Fine .. if you want to use Me to find out obscure views of the world, then so be it. I'd hate to scare off one of My 5 or 10 fans around the world.